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Mēnesis: 2023. gada aprīlis

Informācija no EVF

This month, several important steps were taken regarding animal welfare at European level :

The European Commission adopted a hundred test methods that do not require testing on laboratory animals in the framework of the European regulation on the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals (REACH)

EFSA’s published recommendations dedicated to calves’ welfare

The European Commission published a report on the protection of the welfare of laying hens.

All these documents participate in the preparatory work of the European Commission prior to the publication of a very important legislation for our profession: the update of the European Animal welfare legislation. We will keep following closely these important topics for veterinarians.

                         Piotr KWIECIŃSKI, UEVP Presid

Lasīt vairāk

Ir pavasars. Mostas daba. Atlido dzērves, zied vizbulītes. Skaisti un ļoti skumji. Saulainas dienas rītā pa mūžības taku ir aizgājis mūsu bijušā kursa staltākais puisis, mūsu kursa runasvīrs, četru salidojumu organizētājs, gudrs un ļoti labs cilvēks. Cilvēks JĀZEPS RANDARS (1940.g.18.08 -2023.g.10.04). Viņš vienmēr paliks mūsu sirdīs un gaišā piemiņā. Mūsu klusa un patiesa līdzjūtība tuviniekiem.


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